MediaBrain Group

Welcome to MediaBrain Group:

Where Global Commerce and Innovation Intersect. We are at the forefront of transforming international trade, leveraging centuries of traditional artisanship and cutting-edge technology. Our expansive global network and diverse portfolio range from venture capital focused on preserving Japanese craftsmanship to state-of-the-art trade SaaS solutions and patented drone delivery systems. With a footprint in Japan and the U.S., our vision is a borderless world where innovation and commerce flow freely. Join us in redefining the future and making a lasting impact on the global stage.

small grey-red asteroid
scaling asteroid
plasma asteroid
big grey asteroid
big lava asteroid
astronaut floating
plasma green asteroid
big grey asteroid
snow ball asteroid

What we do

At MediaBrain Group, we are more than a conglomerate; we are a catalyst for change in the global business ecosystem. Our multifaceted operations encompass a range of sectors, each designed to disrupt traditional paradigms and introduce next-level innovations.

MediaBrain Fund:
We invest in the preservation and advancement of Japanese craftsmanship, funding artisans and innovators who are the backbone of our rich cultural heritage.

MB Fund

Investing in the Soul of Japan, One Artisan at a Time

MediaBrain Marketing:
In a world flooded with noise, we stand out. Our marketing strategies are data-driven, culturally nuanced, and designed to hit the mark every time.

MB Marketing

Where Data Meets Storytelling, and Culture Meets Commerce

Trade & Logistics:
Through our proprietary SaaS solutions, we’re streamlining international trade. With a focus on digital transformation, we're making global commerce more efficient and accessible.

Trade & Logistics

Revolutionizing Global Trade with One Click

Future Ventures:
Our eyes are always on the horizon. From finance to hospitality, we are constantly exploring opportunities to expand our global footprint and diversify our portfolio.

Future Ventures

Tomorrow's Opportunities, Today's Investments

From the narrow streets of Tokyo to the bustling markets of New York, we are the invisible hand guiding progress and prosperity.

To Be continued,,,

About us

Founded with the ambitious aim of becoming the world’s largest conglomerate, MediaBrain Group is the embodiment of innovation, vision, and leadership. Headquartered in Japan and the U.S., we operate at the intersection of technology, culture, and commerce. Our diverse team of thought leaders and industry experts are united by a single mission: to make a meaningful impact on the world 

Our approach is rooted in a deep respect for both tradition and modernity. We recognize the importance of preserving the invaluable artisanship that has been passed down through generations, even as we embrace the technologies that are shaping the future.

We're not just in the business of making profits; we're in the business of making a difference. With every venture we undertake, we aim to create sustainable solutions that will not only elevate industries but also contribute to the betterment of communities worldwide.

At MediaBrain Group, we don’t just envision a better future; we’re building it.

Company Details

Company Name:  MediaBrain Group, Inc.
2810 North Church StreetPMB 81888Wilmington, DE 19802 US
Representative name: Kanon Nishitani

CEO's Profile

Kanon Nishitani
Born in 2001 in Oita Prefecture, Japan, Kanon Nishitani is currently an undergraduate student at Harvard University. After graduating from middle school, she went on to attend high school in New Zealand before moving on to Harvard. In 2021, she founded Media Brain Inc. with a focus on trade, particularly in products rooted in Japanese technical expertise.

Kanon was selected as the Asian representative for the Harvard Project for Asian and International Relations (HPAIR), a conference that discusses political, economic, and social issues in Asia and the Pacific. In April 2023, he was appointed as an Executive at Climate Cardinals, a youth-led international non-profit organization active in over 40 countries focusing on climate change. He also serves on the board of the Ar Razzaq Foundation based in Pakistan.

Top messages

At MediaBrain Group, our vision extends beyond conventional boundaries—geographical, technological, and cultural. We're pioneering a new business paradigm that harmonizes the age-old craftsmanship of Japan with the disruptive technologies shaping our future. This is not just an East-meets-West story; this is about redefining what's possible when diverse minds collaborate towards a common mission: Sustainable Prosperity for Humanity.

We operate from the conviction that the intricate craftsmanship and technological prowess that Japan offers to the world are not just 'nice to have'—they're essential to solving some of the most pressing challenges we face as a global community. Whether it's through our investments in artisans who carry the torch of Japanese tradition or through our initiatives to digitalize and streamline global trade, we're committed to adding tangible value to lives and businesses around the world.

As we set our sights on becoming the world's largest conglomerate, we're not just looking for investors; we're looking for partners who share our expansive vision and commitment to meaningful impact. Together, we can turn today's possibilities into tomorrow's realities.

We invite you to join us on this ambitious journey. The world is waiting, and so are we."

Kanon Nishitani
Chief Executive Officer/Founder, MediaBrain Group, Inc.


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